Please note: You must be 18 or older to buy this product. We will need to verify your age before dispatch, which will require us to contact you for proof of age. The order must also be delivered to, or collected by, someone 18 or older. To avoid delays, please select "proof of age" as the enquiry type and upload your photo ID using our contact form.
Contains: Cutting Knife, Detail Knife and Roughing Knife
Honed and ready for use
Flexcut Gold polishing compound included
N.B. To buy this product you must be aged 18 years or over. We will verify your age before despatching the order and this might involve us contacting you for proof of age. The product must also be delivered to, or collected by, a person 18 years or over.
Package comprises the Flexcut Starter Knife Set and the Flexcut Knife Strop
Flexcut Starter Knife Set
This is the perfect package to get you started carving with knives. These knives have all the same edge-holding properties as their gouges and chisels. They come honed and ready for use. Their comfortable curved ergonomic handles allow for long periods of carving without hand fatigue. Set includes Cutting Knife (KN12), Detail Knife (KN13) and Roughing Knife (KN14) and a block of polishing compound to maintain a razor edge.
Flexcut Knife Strop
Although Flexcut call this a knife strop, you can use it for other carving and edge tools just as effectively. Polishing the edge on the strop, gives it an extra degree of sharpness. Regular stropping of a blade means less honing which saves time and effort. It comes with a block of Flexcut Gold Polishing Compound. Size approx 200 x 50mm.
By requesting this notification you are not placing an order and the price may change by the time new stock arrives. It may be possible to place a back order at the price advertised today.