Our Domain Name Has Changed

We’ve changed our primary domain name from axminster.co.uk to axminstertools.com. Please read our short article about how this may affect you.

We've changed our domain name
As a company, we’ve always believed that transparency is important. Our new domain name is more descriptive in terms of our offering of woodworking products to you, our customer. It also represents our vision to make purchasing tools as simple and frustration-free as possible and better encompasses our brand overall.
What does this mean for you?
This update strictly relates to our new domain name. To put your mind at ease, we’re the same family owned company, offering the same exceptional service you’re used to.
Firstly, you’ll see that our website and online content remains unchanged at our new domain name. For your reference, all existing links on our old axminster.co.uk domain now automatically redirect you to our new axminstertools.com domain.
With this in mind, you may wish to update your bookmarks or links to our new domain. Please note that any old links will continue to work regardless due to the automatic redirect in place and will continue to do so.
If you were not signed in to your account prior to this change you may have lost some items previously added to your basket prior to checkout. If this is the case, we apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Finally, in terms of security, we want to reassure you that we will never ask for your card details or passwords whether via email or any other medium. The same applies if you have specifically requested a reset password email; we will never ask for your card details or passwords.
If you’re concerned that someone may be trying to obtain this data from you regarding your Axminster account, please contact Customer Services at cs@axminstertools.com.
Moving forwards...
Right now, we’ve only changed our domain name, but we have so many great, up and coming plans for the future. Watch this space!
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