Hand and power sanding is one of the major causes of airborne dust in the workshop and is very difficult to contain. The use of vacuum cleaners connected to hand power tools on top of a normal bench restricts their use and so increases the probability that they will not be used and in reality only captures a small percentage of the dust produced, a good down draught table will collect the majority of the dust before it gets airborne and is a very effective way of improving the working environment.
The OBS2 is a heavy duty commercial grade down draft table designed for everyday use in the busy workshop where hand finishing is often needed, it is a top fed downdraft table meaning once filtered the air is recycled back to the upper hood and is fed back down towards the worktable. It is powered by a 1.1kW 415V 3ph motor driving an internal fan unit. The airflow is 5,000m³/hr, once filtered the clean air is returned through the top hood. This continuous downward airflow means it is almost impossible for dust to escapes upwards from the workbench to pass in front of the operative's face. It is possible to work from three sides, with the rear side against a wall. The table top measures 2,500 x 1,000mm.