The problem that most customers encounter when using a router inverted in a table set-up is that, even when fully plunged, the router collet is still some way below the surface of the table limiting the depth of cut. We decided that we would produce a very accurate and precise collet extension that would overcome this problem by using standard ER16 engineering collets. These precision collets have the unique ability to grip over a diameter range of 1mm without any loss of accuracy. The UJK extension is supplied with a collet suitable for 8mm shank cutters. A much improved grip all round the cutter shank is provided giving safer routing with less vibration, and the collet nut incorporates an ejection ring to release the shank for easy cutter changes. Maximum RPM of 20,000rpm. Dimensions are 70mm overall with body length of 28mm.
N.B. Collet nut requires a 22mm spanner.
Please note, it is best practice for use to always start your router on the slowest speed, test the cutter set up on a piece of scrap timber, increasing the speed gradually to get the best cut. Always take note of any vibration that becomes apparent, reduce your router's speed if there is any vibration. Make sure that the collet extension is inserted at least two thirds of the way in and the cutter is inserted up to the K line.