The most efficient way to achieve a mirror-finish on a metal surface is by a series of steps, initially sanding then finishing with progressively finer and finer polishing compounds. These three compounds take you on the final part of the process. They can be used by hand on a soft cloth, microfibre cloth or applied with a loose-leaf mop on a power drill or buffing machine.
Red: medium grade aluminium oxide paste; removes oxidation, tarnish and discolouration from chrome, aluminium, stainless steel, brass and copper.
Blue: fine aluminium oxide metal polish, suitable for softer metals like aluminium, brass and copper and gives a bright finish on chrome and stainless. Applying this paste to a leather strop for a truly fine edge on chisels, plane irons, carving tools and knives.
White: super fine siliceous earth compound is suitable for high precision and final polishing applications. Use it after the fine grade on steel, stainless steel, chrome, aluminium, brass and copper. It works perfectly on acrylic and polyester pen blanks.
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