
The Driving Force

Every workshop needs a great range of screws that offer excellent performance.
Used on a daily basis it's easy to forget these consumables; investing in decent wood screws will save you time and money.

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The head

Double angle, self countersunk with a correctly formed recess

Increasing the size of head where it meets the body of the screw make these screws much stronger. This minimises the risk of the head shearing under the final tightening torque.

Six ribs on the underside of the head help the screw self countersink and lessen the torque required for a clean flush finish. Whether Pozidrive or Torx, the correctly formed recess minimises the risk of cam-out.

The tip

Deep, sharp and wax lubricated

After plating, the screws undergo a further coating to reduce friction. Lower friction needs less power, meaning more screws driven on a single battery charge. The thread slices effortlessly through the timber without tearing the fibres, making for a much stronger fixing.

The thread

Self cutting tip requires no pre-drilling

The tip cuts as it penetrates and the initial portion of the thread engages immediately. The sharp point helps when placing the screw and prevents skating. We still recommend drilling pilot holes in very hard wood.


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