Specialist Woodturning Tools

Whether it’s a fiddly job, or adding the finishing touches, at Axminster Tools we know how important the finer details are and that sometimes there is only one tool for the job. That’s why when it comes to woodturning we make sure that there is a tool for every job, no matter how specific it may be. Here we take you through a few of our favourite specialist woodturning tools.
With many different types of woodturning, there are numerous occasions when a special tool is required. We stock a range of specialist woodturning tools from miniature tools to decorating and embellishment tools as well beading tools and captive ring tools to compliment your kit and ensure that when it’s needed, it's to hand.
So whether you are looking to complete your toolkit, or you simply want to expand your skills and add some decorative flair to your pieces, we have the tools for you. Below are just a few examples of some of the specialist woodturning tools we have available.
Henry Taylor Decorating Elf
The Henry Taylor Decorating Elf is an invaluable tool for creating surface decoration on turned work. It comes with an 8mm ball cutter with the option of buying additional cylindrical and bud shaped cutters, to give endless possibilities for decorating and embellishing your pieces.
Use it to create beautiful, crisp surface details with the hardened HSS steel cutters. And add a splash of colour to make your designs really stand out.
It’s easy to use and can be used on end grain, in coves or on surfaces. Combine cutters to create a variety of different textured patterns. You are only limited by your imagination.
The Decorating Elf is a popular choice for box turners but it can also produce excellent effects on faceplate and spindle work. In fact it can add amazing details to pens, bowls, jewellery and much, much more. It can also be used on a variety of materials, not only wood.
Also included is a Natural Hogs Hair Burnishing Brush.
Crown Cryo Bead Forming Tool - 6.3mm (1/4")
The Crown Cryo Bead Forming Tool is a useful addition to any woodturner’s toolkit, particularly those that need to produce numerous identical beads, quickly. This bead forming tool is available in two different sizes, 6.3mm and 9.5mm, to create different sized beads.
An easy to use scraping tool, press gently and use a rocking motion to achieve perfect results every time.
It can be used effectively to create beaded details to the edges of bowls, hollow forms or platters, as well as in conjunction with the Crown Cryo Captive Ring Tool to create captive rings.
Crown Cryo Captive Ring Tool
This tool has a niche purpose, to simply create rings that remain captured in your workpiece. However, the design of Crown’s Cryo Captive Ring Tool means this has never been easier.
Begin by using the Crown Cryo Bead Forming Tool and once the bead has been formed, pivot the captive ring tool around the back of the bead on both sides until it releases into rings. This tool can be used on both the left hand and right hand side to produce even rings and for easy parting.
Use it to create interesting and unique pieces that capture the rings within the workpiece, decorative goblets for example, or more functional pieces such as baby rattles.
Crown Mini Spiralling Tool
The Crown Mini Spiralling Tool can be used to create interesting effects and repeat patterns on your turned work.
Create threads, knurling textures or decorative spirals. Change the width of your spiral by changing the angle at which you hold your tool on the rest. You can adjust the angle of the cutting wheel by simply unscrewing two hex head bolts on the shaft, setting the angle, and locking it in place. Doing this will create different texturing effects on your workpiece.
There are two spiralling wheels provided to create varying effects. One wheel has 17 teeth and the other 27. The more teeth on the wheel, the finer the pattern it will produce. Simply release the knob on the head of the cutter to change the cutting wheel.
Similar to the Decorating Elf, you can enhance your surface decoration with colours and/or liming wax, to create some striking effects.
So, if you are interested in expanding your skills and trying out some different decorative and texturing techniques, there are several useful tools to choose from. Both the Henry Taylor Decorating Elf and Crown Mini Spiralling Tool produce their own unique effects that will leave a lasting impression on your work. And if it’s a specialist tool for a specific job or workpiece, then the Crown Cryo Bead Forming Tool and Captive Ring tool will make the job effortless.
Get creative!
If you have one of these specialist woodturning tools, we want to see what you have created. We'd love to hear from you! Comment below or send us a photograph. Alternatively, get in touch via our social media platforms and share your photographs of your pieces. Find us on Facebook or connect with us on Instagram – search @Axminstertools.