
Tormek T-8

Tools For Self Reliance Welcomes Tormek Sharpening Machines


Glenn Lucas Demos For Axminster Woodturners Club


Meet The Maker - Alex of Ed Brooks Furniture

Southern Manufacturing & Electronics Exhibition-featured-image

First Time At The Southern Manufacturing & Electronics Exhibition


Cardiff Racing gears up for 2017 season


Moving on up to top 250 UK retailer list

We are now recognised as a Google Certified Shop


Shortlisted at the Western Morning News Business Awards


On the Tools 'Power Tool Supplier of the Year' winner


Living Wage Champion Awards reveal South West Winner


We’ve made ‘Power Tool Supplier of the Year’ shortlist and now we need your vote


The Harrogate Show reaches new heights


Living Wage Foundation announces shortlist for Champion Awards


Come and see us at W16


Rycotewood’s Graduates display exceptional craftsmanship


Support for scouts and guides interested in woodturning


Cardiff Racing set for Silverstone

Matt Estlea

Meet The Maker - Matt Estlea


How to make….. well, what exactly is it?


Sponsoring Somerset Guild's Furniture Prize


MACH 2016 – now the show is over, the hard work begins


New partnership looks promising for furniture degree courses


Axminster agrees sponsorship deal with Cardiff Racing


Win An Arbortech Turboshaft

Items 169 to 192 of 198 total

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