Honing Wheels
Tormek CW-220 Composite Honing WheelFrom £85.98 £71.65Dispatching Soon ?Dispatch estimate is within 3 days.
Tormek LA-120 Profiled Leather Honing WheelFrom £59.98 £49.98Dispatching Soon ?Dispatch estimate is within 3 days.
Tormek LA-145 Leather Honing WheelFrom £49.98 £41.65Dispatching Soon ?Dispatch estimate is within 3 days.
Tormek LA-220 Leather Honing WheelFrom £74.98 £62.48Dispatching Soon ?Dispatch estimate is within 3 days.
Axminster Professional Twist & Fix 100mm Felt Wheel - HardFrom £16.98 £14.15Dispatching Soon ?Dispatch estimate is within 5 weeks.
Axminster Professional Twist & Fix 100mm Felt Wheel - MedFrom £14.18 £11.82Dispatching Soon ?Dispatch estimate is within 5 weeks.
Axminster Professional Twist & Fix 100mm Felt Wheel - SoftFrom £10.98 £9.15Out of Stock ?Estimated stock arrival in 5 weeks.
Honing Wheels
Honing wheels are essential for achieving a razor-sharp edge on your woodworking tools, ensuring precision and efficiency in every cut. Crafted from high-quality materials, these wheels provide a smooth, consistent surface for refining and polishing edges after sharpening. Ideal for chisels, plane irons and carving tools, honing wheels enhance the sharpness and longevity of your blades, allowing for cleaner cuts and finer finishes. Whether you're a cabinet maker or a woodturner, incorporating honing wheels into your sharpening routine elevates your craftsmanship, maintaining the integrity of your tools and ensuring they perform at their best with every project.