Our in-store events are a hub for makers of all skill levels. Designed to help you expand your product knowledge, develop your practical skills and find inspiration from like-minded enthusiasts.
Join us in-store as we focus on the range of UJK Router Tables and accessories.
Throughout the day, we will be demonstrating the benefits of owning a router table, available cutters and accessories and choosing the right router for your table. If you want to learn more about routing and how UJK can enhance your work, book your ticket today!
Come and have a go at carving a spoon with the Exeter Woodcarvers.
Join this 2-hour session and get to grips with spoon carving, led by the Exeter woodcarvers. Tickets are £6 for the first session and return for further tuition for free to finish your spoon.​
Join us in-store for our popular clearance event! Come along to our Axminster Store in Devon, anytime between 9am-2pm and grab yourself a deal.
Includes restocked open box and last chance to buy bargains at heavily reduced prices, including customer returns, samples, ex display and obsolete lines.
All clearance lines must go so don't miss out on this great opportunity to save big and bag a bargain!
Note: All machinery has all been checked through by our servicing engineers.
John will be in-store running through how to use the Entropy Epoxy Resin including preparation, mixing and pouring, showing previously finished projects and will be on hand to answer any questions or give advice to beginners who are thinking of using resin in their projects. Don't miss out, come and see how resins can enhance your work! Book your ticket today.