PROXXON Independent 4 Jaw Chuck for DB250 LatheFrom £29.78 £24.82Dispatching Soon ?Dispatch estimate is within 5 weeks.
Axminster Engineer Series 13mm Super Precision Drill ChuckFrom £34.18 £28.48Dispatching Soon ?Dispatch estimate is within 8 weeks.
PROXXON 10mm Chuck & Adaptor for PD 230/E and PD 400From £18.28 £15.23Available to Order ?Delivery time is approximately 3 weeks.
PROXXON 10mm Tailstock Chuck for PD 230/E and 250/EFrom £18.28 £15.23Dispatching Soon ?Dispatch estimate is within 5 weeks.
PROXXON 4 Jaw Independent ChuckFrom £177.18 £147.65Available to Order ?Delivery time is approximately 3 weeks.
PROXXON ROHM Drill Chuck For FD 150/EFrom £12.38 £10.32Dispatching Soon ?Dispatch estimate is within 3 days.
PROXXON 4 Jaw Self Centering Chuck for FD 150/E LatheFrom £62.28 £51.90Dispatching Soon ?Dispatch estimate is within 3 days.