Space-Plug - Plug Adjustable Spacer Fixing

From £7.20 £6.00 was £7.98 £6.65 Save £0.78 £0.65

Key Features

  • Simple, secure, neat and efficient, No need to mark out, you fix the unit in situ
  • A single unit requires only one Space-Plug and you only need drill one hole
  • Adjustable, replacing shims to bridge a stand-off for wider worktops
  • No more fiddly angle brackets when fixing kitchen base units
  • View full description

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They're neat and efficient, saving you time and money

Watch the video and see how easy they are to use with just 4 simple stages. With the cabinet in place, drill a pilot hole through the cross-brace, then drill directly into the wall behind and insert a wall plug. Next, pass a screw through the cross-brace and Space-Plug, then locate it into the wall plug. Bridge the gap by unwinding the Space-Plug until it firmly contacts both surfaces. Finally, tighten the screw - it’s that simple!

Space-Plug replaces the fiddly angle brackets, generally used to fix kitchen base units to a wall. Space-Plug is simple, secure, neat and by far the quickest and most efficient method available. A single kitchen unit requires only one Space-Plug and you only need drill one hole per unit. There’s no need to mark out, you fix the unit in situ. The fixing passes through the unit’s cross brace giving you a wide target area for fixing, avoiding bad plaster, pipework or lining up with wall studs etc. As the screw heads are inside the unit, even after the worktops go on, the cabinet is removable if necessary at any time in the future. Space-Plug is adjustable, thus replacing shims to bridge a stand-off for wider worktops.

Regular size: 20mm x 14mm x 3mm - for gaps 30 to 50mm

XL size: 26mm x 21mm x 4mm - for gaps 45 to 80mm

Pack of 10 supplied with 6.0 x 200mm standard masonry drill bit

Pack of 50 supplied with 6.0 x 200mm multi-purpose masonry drill bit

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