New Look, Same Passion

Have you seen our new look?
This is the latest in a line of updates at Axminster Tools to help better represent our offering of woodworking products to you, our customer. Our new logo, updated website and change of domain illustrates our vision to make purchasing tools as simple as possible and better encompasses our brand overall.
The first update took place in the spring when we changed our domain from to The new domain is more descriptive in terms of who we are and how our customers like to refer to us and the .com better serves our growing international customer base. In the summer we launched a brand new website; as well as a sleek new appearance, users will notice improved navigation and search abilities. Now, as we move into autumn and in line with our new 2020/21 catalogue we've shared our updated logo. Our brand has built a strong reputation over the years so our new identity is an evolution of our previous logo, which was well recognised.
Our logo through the years
We couldn't miss the opportunity to take a look at our logo through the years and reminisce about how far we've come. Axminster Tools actually started life in business carrying out light engineering production and electrical assembly work with a small tool shop as a sideline. Before long the production work took a back seat as the demand for tools grew. In the early 1970s Axminster Power Tool Centre was born out of a small shop in the market town of Axminster, Devon. At the same time, the family run business made its first venture into mail order with a single page leaflet offering cutting discs and grinders. It wasn't until 1992 that we produced the first edition of what is now our well known catalogue. It was through the production of the catalogue that the logo started to evolve with the business. The first was just a simple acronym of the name Axminster Power Tool Centre.

By 1995 the logo had changed to incorporate the full business name and better describe our offering at the time.
In 1998 we produced our very first full colour catalogue. The logo took on the familiar red colouring, which would remain a feature on future logos.

At the turn of the century, we made a slight tweak to the logo, giving it a fresh new look. The black and red logo was born.

The logo stayed this way for a number of years until 2011 when our focus steered towards developing our own brand tools and machinery. We had been innovating and manufacturing tools and machinery for a number of years but our onsite product development and manufacturing really started to grow at the beginning of the last decade. We dropped the 'Power' and became Axminster Tool Centre.

In 2014 to reflect our ever growing offering for machinery and build our reputation in that market, we became Axminster Tools & Machinery.

Our logo and brand has continued to evolve to encompass the business and our customer. Let's take a closer look.
Our logo may have changed over the years but our focus has always been the same; we share your passion for great craftsmanship and a job well done. We strive to offer the products you need, the knowledge you trust and the committed service you deserve.

Check the trail copy above for Our domain name has changed. Apparently it hasn't!
Good spot, thank you for highlighting! This has been updated.
So Sorry do not like the new look hard to figure
Why does the October 92 catalogue show a price in shillings (as well as the decimal equivalent)? Pre-decimal currency was long gone from the UK well before than.
Good morning Mark, I have looked into this for you and have found out the reasoning was to tie in with the imagery used on the catalogue. We wanted to heighten the feel of the history of Axminster and help take our customers back to when Axminster began.