The Trend FTS/KIT/MK2 Fast Track MK2 Sharpener differs significantly from other sharpening jigs. In use, the diamond sharpening stones move back and forth across the blade rather than the usual in-line action of other jigs. This action has two distinct benefits. Firstly it guarantees a flat, consistent bevel with the edge square to the sides. Secondly the striations left by the diamond sharpening stone run parallel to the edge. When magnified the edge has a smoother rather than jagged profile. The Fast Track MK2 ensures you can achieve consistent edges on your chisels and plane irons.
In use a strong magnet holds the stones in place on the moving carriage. This device offers a choice of four sharpening and honing angles: 25°, 27.5°, 30° and 32.5°. A removable centring stop for use with narrow blades helps achieve a full sharpening stroke. Rubber feet prevent the jig from slipping and sliding in use.
The Fast Track MK2 comprises a base unit and carriage, two diamond stones (76mm x 24mm) 220 grit and 450 grit, centring clip, non-slip mat and a cleaning block.